
Darkest dungeon leper teams
Darkest dungeon leper teams

darkest dungeon leper teams

A high number of stun moves are available.

darkest dungeon leper teams

One significant thing to note is that you will want to use duellists advance on your Highwayman at the start of every fight to activate his riposte and put him in his ideal position, position two. Their ability to put out damage over time provides an excellent counter to high protection stat enemies. Finally, the Plague Doctor is the group debuffer and backup healer if the Vestal gets overwhelmed. His move set is solely designed to deal damage. The Vestal is the team's healer as she comes equipped with a solo and a party heal in her arsenal. He can soak up a fair amount of damage and put out decent damage of his own, making him the group tank. The classes are all very straightforward with uncomplicated roles. It's easy to see why this is considered a beginner team. This Plague Doctor is ready to give the dungeon some medicine. Position 4: The Plague Doctor will be equipped with Battlefield Medicine, Noxious Blast, Plague Grenade, and Blinding Gas. Position 3: The Highwayman's move set will be Pistol Shot, Point-blank Shot, Duellists Advance and Open Vein. Position 2: A Vestal, equipped with Judgement, Dazzling Light, Divine Grace and Divine Comfort. Position 1: A Crusader equipped Smite, Stunning Blow, Holy Lance and Inspiring Cry. This team looks ready for action and soon you will be too. But the danger is plentiful in the Darkest Dungeon, and your brave heroes will face booby traps, mounting stress and even psychological quirks that help or hinder them based on their experiences.Ĭonsequently, selecting your team should be a delicate and careful process that yields you a varied roster capable of taking on these dangers-feeling overwhelmed already? No worries! We here at Gamers Decide have got your back, and I will be providing you with ten different party combinations (in no particular order) that will make your explorations of the Darkest Dungeon a little brighter. As you might imagine, there are near endless monsters, undead and vagabonds out to get you. For those unfamiliar with Darkest Dungeon, it is a gothic roguelike turn-based RPG in a setting resembling a Lovecraftian nightmare.

Darkest dungeon leper teams